Sorry about the delay in posting...as Feb. 1st nears, I find myself scambling to acquire all the needed research. I did pick up these two items while at the store the other day. Through my research, I've concluded that liquid soap and cleaners are primarily a post 1950s invention.
So here's a good story - yesterday, at emu, I was walking to the elevator to go up to the second floor to get the key for my classroom. I was walking at what I considered a normal pace. I heard someone rushing up behind me, but continued my normal pace. Just as I reached out to press the elevator button, this lady who's eyes were literally bugging out of her head because she was so frazzled, pushed me out of the way with her shoulder and pressed the button. In response to my horrified look, she said a stressed tone, "I'm in a rush!", and, of course, I couldn't just let this go...I said, "You must really be in a rush to be so rude to a complete stranger.". She gave me the look of death and said "I teach and my class is waiting!". I ended it with "Ohhh, you TEACH. Okay, I apologize. I didn't realize that teaching gives you the right to be so rude." Another look of dealth, but no more words.
The situation did leave an impression. I never want to be that lady. I never want to be in such a hurry that I am that rude to anybody. I think that just by going through the process of thinking about this project and slowing things down a bit, I have become hypersensative to those around me who are in such a rush. It will be interesting to see how I feel about this during the month of February.